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54 kWh home storage system build in

A Powerbank on wheels

The Sion is more than just a car. It is also its own home storage system. Our bidirectional wallbox enables the Sion to become a sustainable power plant for the home. What's so special about it? You are able to self-sufficiently supply your home with energy for up to five days at a significantly lower price than other providers.

a car parked in front of a building

Power Sharing

Make money sharing your energy

Power Sharing makes sharing the energy stored in your Sion easy. Imagine you are on vacation for a month and your car is at home doing nothing. Why not charge your neighbor's car and he is paying you via the Sion app. You decide on how much electricity you are willing to share and at which price.

Power other electric cars up to 11 kW

SION Technical Sepcs


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